Exciting Monster Clay Made Large and Ready to Paint
by Yvonne Anderson & Kim Beaton || September 2022
Our oil-based clay of choice for getting our creative juices flowing is the Monster Clay medium. See here why we use it and why Pal Tiya Premium is a great option to make larger and permanent outdoor sculptures!
When using monster clay for sculpting, you can get all the detail you want ... making your idea something to get excited about.
Monster clay art can be expensive so we always try to make our go the distance by sculpting over a tinfoil core, just like we do with our sculpting medium Pal Tiya Premium.
Monster clay art can be expensive so we always try to make our go the distance by sculpting over a tinfoil core, just like we do with our sculpting medium Pal Tiya Premium.
In our video below, we'll show you how we got inspired for Halloween by Magic the Gathering card "Sheoldred, the Whispering one" (artwork by Jana Schirmer & Johannes Voss), and then made it much LARGER (approx. 3 ft wide) & permanent using Pal Tiya Premium.
We had fun creating this piece and it looks spooky & fabulous now that it is painted and out in the yard. To get oodles of inspiration for making your monster clay pieces bigger, don't forget to become a Pal Tiya Insider...
We had fun creating this piece and it looks spooky & fabulous now that it is painted and out in the yard. To get oodles of inspiration for making your monster clay pieces bigger, don't forget to become a Pal Tiya Insider...